Thursday, 28 October 2010

aLL About Me ^_^

Post something unimportant for you. It's aLL about me. Hahha...

Well hey, this is my life. I love my life with all of the imperfect side of me.
I was born with a name of FELICIA. When I was a lil' girl, I asked my Dad, what the meaning of my name is and why my Dad gave that name to me. I'm the only one daughter in my family. My Dad and my brother's name initials are all "H", so why my initial is "F". My Dad told me that when I was born, he didn't prepare any name for me, that's why he looked into the telephone list and saw so many name there. I was so shocked to hear it!

When I told my Grandma about it, my Grandma suddenly laughed. She said that my name (FELICIA) consists of my father's family name (LIE or LEE) and my mother's name (SIAna). By added the letters "FE", that's why my name is FELICIA.
Actually, my Grandma had prepared a name for me (LIE HUA). When I heard it, I only could say, "Oh My Godness!" Hahaha..
I live in a happy family and my world is so beautiful ^_^
I love strawberry because the color is so attractive and the meaning of it. Strawberry taste is sweet, sometimes acid. It shows my life, so colorful. Strawberry seeds are located outside, not inside. It shows the unnaive side. I love it when we live not as pretenders, but as what we are.
I have so many big dreams and I know I have to work hard to achieve them. When I was a lil' girl, God give me a dream that I have my dreamland, a big house with a swimming pool inside, a care husband who loves me so much and two lil' kids (a girl and a boy), both of them are very cute ^^
People may say that it just an ordinary dream to a lil' girl like me, but I don't know why I know that it's what my God will give to me. I want to live my life as I can, I want to achieve all of my dreams.
Now I'm 21 years old and I don't have a boyfriend. However, I have someone special in my heart. He still the one in my heart. Sometimes I want to have a status, we can go together wherever we want. I do not understand what God's plan to me about this. All I know, God has prepared something beautiful to me. =D

Teks Sumpah Pemuda




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Indonesia Menangis, Let's #prayforindonesia

Saat ini gue lagi ngejalanin program internship (magang) gue. Job desk gue lebih kepada media monitoring, dimana gue harus me-monitor berita-berita seputar bidang perusahaan gue di berbagai media. Di hari biasa koran yang harus gue monitor jumlahnya antara 20-22 koran. Khusus hari Senin, ada sekitar 60 koran yang harus dimonitor karena menumpuk dari hari Jumat sore hingga hari Senin itu sendiri.

Oktober kelabu.

Mungkin itu kesimpulan yang gue ambil dari aktivitas gue. Indonesia dibuat menangis dan menjerit atas musibah yang datang bertubi-tubi. Dari banjir di Wasior, gempa dan tsunami di Mentawai, hingga merapi di Klaten. Itu pun belum ditambah dengan banjir Senin (25/10) lalu yang membuat banyak orang frustasi dan tanggapan-tanggapan wakil rakyat yang menurut gue benar-benar tidak pantas.

Di saat dunia luas pun turut prihatin, wakil rakyat sendiri justru kesannya... Sudahlah, ga ada komentar lagi soal wakil rakyat, biar masyarakat luas saja yang menilai. Mengenai bencana alam yang terjadi bersamaan, itu sungguh membuat saya miris. Menyedihkan rasanya ketika membaca koran. Semua agenda setting tentang bencana-bencana alam.. Sangat sedikit sekali foto indah untuk dipandang, semua foto membuat hati menjerit.

Sebagai rakyat Indonesia, gue sungguh-sungguh berterimakasih atas kepedulian orang asing terhadap kita. Indonesia sungguh beruntung dikasihi negara-negara tetangga seperti Korea Utara dan Amerika yang menyatakan siap membantu Indonesia. Terima kasih untuk masyarakat dunia yang turut berempati atas musibah di negeri ini.

Untuk saudara-saudaraku sebangsa dan setanah air, sudah cukup kita membuat berita-berita yang justru mencoreng nama baik negara seperti demonstrasi anarkis, komentar-komentar pedas saja di berbagai media dan tindakan yang NATO (No Action Talk Only). Mari kita bangkit.. Sudah cukup berita buruk tentang bencana-bencana yang ada saja, jangan menghasilkan berita buruk lagi. Lebih baik kita berkarya positif dan memusatkan perhatian pada saudara-saudara kita yang sedang tertimpa bencana.

Terlebih lagi, hari ini adalah Hari Sumpah Pemuda. Ayo bangkit menjadi pemuda-pemudi Indonesia yang berguna bagi Nusa dan bangsa! =)

Let's #prayforindonesia

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

A Tragic Day in Jakarta, 25 October 2010

Jakarta, 25 October 2010

“Who ask you to come to Jakarta?”
A brash question, right?

The heavy rain fallen down to Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) with thunders in the sky. Puddle and flood everywhere, caused traffic jam. So many people stucked on the street. I heard so many people got home at 1 AM, 2 AM and some people must pay taxi bill amounting to Rp 1 million! The hotel was full and stressed surrounding us. Nothing we can do, only got angry on this Government and the Governor, curse them, curse the flood and the rain. It’s all about sin we only can say.

Please take a deep breath and relax. Get you Blackberry, I-Phone, laptop, TV, newspaper, or radio. So many disaster happens in Indonesia. Bad flood in Wassior, earthquake and tsunami in Mentawai Island, Wedhus Gembel or hot ash in Kaliurang village in Sleman (near Yogyakarta city). Will you curse our condition? Will you feel blessed you save from all that disasters?

I used busway to go home on that Monday. When I’m in the JPO (Jembatan Penyeberangan Orang / pedestrian bridge), I met 3 bad situations.

First, I saw a boy come to his Mom and his sister giving them mineral water in glasses. His Mom and his sister was surprisingly very happy. Actually the boy looked for the drinking water seller on the street in the heavy rain because his family were thirsty.

Second, I met a beggar, an old woman was trembling because of the rain. She sat to wait alms from the people. A tear dropped from my tears. When I gave her a few of money in my pocket, she was really happy. She suddenly gave me her best smile.

Third, not too far away, I met a pregnant woman with her little daughter sitting on the bridge. The woman was trembling too.

I do really sad of those situation. I feel blessed that I’m so lucky. I just can only cry on it and help what I can do. I wish one day I will never find those tragic situation in Indonesia. God, please bless them.. Please save them..

Someone Told Me, “ Don't cry.. Crying is useless”

Jakarta, 26 October 2010.

I got a telephone from my Mom when I was doing my thesis in library. My grandmother is sick and I feel that it’s all because of me. Two weeks before it, my family and my Grandma visited me. It was a wet day, after a heavy rain had fallen down. Before they all back home, we looked for a restaurant to get a family dinner.

I pointed on a restaurant and we had a dinner there. After a dinner, my family decided to go home. My Grandma walked first from her seat, and she almost slip because of a wet floor. A pole saved her, so she didn’t fall.

Two weeks passed, I got a telephone from my Mom informing that My Grandma is sick, she can’t walk now. On Monday morning, when my Grandma cooked something in the kitchen, something sounds from the back of her leg bone. Her leg bone is broken.

I cried on the phone because of it. I know it’s very embarrassing when you cry in front of public. I asked the condition directly via telephone and I was so angry. I got mad on my Mom, my Grandma and my Aunty. I want my Grandma’s health is priority, no matter how much money it is. I’m a logical person and I work based on proof on everything. How can I just believe only on handyman candidacy? I know the integrity of them, even the integrity of “sinshe” (Chinese herbal medical treatment), and I appreciate it. However, all I know is I need a medical proof. I got mad on my family and I don’t want to know; I want my Grandma go to hospital to get roentgen.

Someone told me via bbm (BlackBerry Messenger) that crying is useless. I know crying can’t help my Grandma, but I don”t know why I still crying. I blame my self for this accident and say, “If I didn’t live here… If I didn’t point on that restaurant.. If I scold the restaurant’s manager for their bad coordination of wet floor..”

My friend told me that I don’t need to blame my self. I try to understand, I try to keep faith in God. I want to believe that God will fix my Grandma’s leg. All I can do now is just keep praying. No matter how hard the rain this week and how tired I am to go home, I’ll go home this weekend to visit my Grandma.